Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Pop-up Shop @ Le Garage

After graduating from my MA in Textile Design, I started working on products for this Pop-up shop, so come and see the updates Tomorrow!!

Come & visit us tomorrow!!
Unique, creative, fun, interesting & innovative Designs.

These are some of the things I will be selling:

- Cushion Covers
- Letter Dice, Autumn Collection 2011, 4/4
- Pouches
& much much more!!

Related Links:

Facebook: Pop-up design @le Garage

Saturday, September 10, 2011

MA Show - Let the show begin

The invite:

Location: Chelsea College of Art & Design
Course: Textile Design
Year: 2010/2011

One year gone by and the show too. This is a start to a beautiful journey. Thank you to all the great people I met along the way and the people who made it to the show.  

These are some pictures from the exhibition space: 




Hope you enjoyed the show and keep on following my blog!

Letter Dice Updates

After months of experimentation, I decided the criteria for the making of the dice.

30 dice in all. On one side of the dice they'll have the Maltese Alphabet and on the other they will have the English Alphabet -  to trigger peoples curiosity when coming across the unusual letters. 

Every dice is unique as they have different techniques, materials and fonts. 

Some images from the work-in-progress:

 Scraps of MDF (medium-density fibreboard)

Cutting the dice to size.

The dice. 

The dice + design. 

Table Top Fun - The making

The Table Top Fun Concept has been developing for months. All I needed was the table to upcycle. Having spoken to a family friend she kindly gave me a neglected table she had out on the roof terrace which was vulnerable to different temperatures. I started by dismantling the table to reconstruct the surface.

I started by Sanding down the table legs.

Then I fixed the external frame which will be holding all the components of the table.

Preparing the interactive part of the table where the inserts will be placed. 

 Glueing the pieces together.

The frame which will hold the glass. The glass will protect the table from getting damaged but also making the table practical and easy to clean.

Assembling the table top.

For the final product, check out the MA Show post. 

The Cube Mug/Vase


Since the last post the clay had dried and been taken out to leave the shape of the cube mug/vase. 

The next step was to use the
Porcelain slip technique.

Pouring the Porcelain slip into the cast.

Allowing the Porcelain slip to rest for 10-12minutes. Then access is poured back into the container to prevent waste. 

The porcelain is left to dry upside down to dry evenly. 

Once it's dry, the top edge is trimmed off neatly with the aid of a spatula.

 It is then left to dry in a cupboard between two discs to make sure it doesn't deform. 

Smoothing out the surfaces and finishing off with a light damp natural sponge.

First firing.

Applying the low firing glaze on the porcelain.

 Second firing with the glaze.

Cut out digital transfers, allowing some border to make it easier to handle.

Cleaning the bottom of the cube with methylated spirit. 

Placing the transfer into water to separate from the sheet to move it onto the bottom of the cube.

One last firing is done with the ceramic digital transfers. 

Results can be found in the Exhibition post... to be created shortly!